ACSA Wellness and Reablement Roadmap

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ACSA Wellness & Reablement Self-Assessment Roadmap

The Wellness and Reablment Roadmap has been developed by ACSA to help CHSP providers to self-assess progress in integrating wellness and reablement principles into core service delivery. 

It provides a framework for discussions at all levels within an organisation to help providers identify what they are doing well and what actions need to be taken to improve performance in progressing, managing and measuring wellness and reablement.

It’s a self-assessment tool and while you use documented evidence to support your ratings, there will still be elements of subjectivity in the measurement of your progress in embedding Wellness and Reablement principles into core service delivery.

This is not a tool for one person in the organisation to use in isolation. It is designed to encourage discussion between people, teams, work groups, sites etc so that you get a sense for how your organisation is performing.

Documented evidence is vital. If you haven’t already done so, develop a simple system for collecting, collating, storing and publishing documented evidence.

Section 1: Leadership and culture

  • The organisation’s leadership and staff and volunteer behaviours, norms and ways of working
  • Includes vision and purpose; focus; action orientation; culture; empowerment of workforce; and language

Section 2: Outcomes and service delivery for older people

  • Outcomes: supporting older people to live independently, improve quality of life and achieve their hopes and aspirations
  • Service delivery: the organisation’s service philosophy, service design and delivery approaches
  • Includes wellness and reablement outcomes for clients; learning from the person; understanding history and experience; how we support based on needs; linking wellness and reablement to the individual; and understanding person as a whole

Section 3: Inclusivity

  • Partnerships between the provider and other services in the community to support client referrals, client advocacy, and support clients with special needs

Section 4: People and systems

  • The organisation’s recruitment practices; learning and development practices; systems, policies and procedures
  • Includes professional practice and ongoing purpose; recruitment; and systems, policy and purpose

Section 5: Measurement and reporting

  • The quantitative and qualitative data that is measured, collected and reported
  • Includes outcomes (result of actions) vs outputs (actions); and gathering learning


Rating system explained on page 2 of Roadmap, but let people know that it’s OK to have a rating with a 0.5 value. The important thing is that the rating helps to identify where your organisation sits, and the actions required to move forward.

Ratings used are automatically updated in the Results worksheet (page 22) and charts (pages 22 and 23).


Page 3 contains some tips for using the Roadmap.

Sections: Possible Evidence and Actions

Difficult to develop specific answers as organisations are diverse. Best to highlight the types of evidence (page 24) that can be used to justify a rating.

To view the Roadmap click here.

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