Organisation or Village Name (optional)
Suburb / Town
Within Kms
Unit Type:
Vacancies Only:
Price Band:
< 150K         150k to 250k         251k to 350k         351k to 450k         451k to 550k         > 550k         Rental        

Retirement Housing Directory

This searchable online housing directory includes housing sites operated under the South Australia Retirement Village Act and also some rental housing aimed at seniors on low income. In some cases these options are co-located in a single site.
This directory is managed by Catalyst Foundation (including Seniors Information Service) and the subscribing housing operators, who maintain information on their own sites.
For further information see Catalyst Foundation’s website page on Retirement Housing (including terms and definitions on this directory). There are also specific fact sheets and useful links on Retirement Villages and Community housing and low cost rental.
An extensive list of community housing providers (not only catering for seniors) can be found on the website.
Catalyst Foundation also maintains information on housing for seniors which are operated under the Residential Parks Act. See our website page Residential Parks with links to a fact sheet, a list of residential parks in South Australia and external resources.
If you wish to provide feedback on this online directory or clarification on how to use it contact Catalyst Foundation (including Seniors Information Service)
Tel.: (08) 8168 8776
1/47 Tynte Street, North Adelaide SA 5006